The blond keyboard player is David Bryan....he looked & sounded pretty good too!
Isn't he cute!!! Bon Jovi Rocks.....This was taken with my Panasonic Lumix 10x optical zoom. I hope you all can view this. Having good seats helps. The older I get the more I am spoiled by good CLOSE UP FRONT concert tickets. And at $132.oo face value they better be good. I know this is not crafting related but please enjoy in my endulgence. I've got great video of the Moody Blues and Toby Keith....should I post those?
Oh yea...indulge us!! lol Someday you will have to come here the band I'm in...just for fun! Love the little cottage at Kern River. It's certainly got potential - I know what you're going to be doing this summer! ;)
Love your pictures! They were very clear. I am scapbooking my pictures from April 08 and was browsing for clip art and came across your pics. JBJ is the man!
Jovi fan!
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